GeoCenter Møns Klint
At one of Denmark’s most beautiful and most visited natural attractions, Møns Klint, you’ll find GeoCenter Møns Klint. An experience centre that tells us about the birth of Denmark, right where it all began.
Photo:Egon Gade
Due to a major cliff landslide, you are advised to exercise caution and assume responsibility for your own safety when visiting Møns Klint. Stay updated through the Danish Nature Agency.
GeoCenter Møns Klint is Denmark’s cool science centre with entertainment for the whole family. The centre was dug out of the cliff and designed as an exciting journey 70 million years back in time. Experience the Mosasaur, the up to 17 meter long killer lizard, and all fossils from the Cretaceous Sea, watch exciting 3D films, or put on the VR glasses and hunt like a peregrine falcon in front of Møns Klint.
Interaktive udstillinger
Tag på en opdagelsesrejse tilbage i tiden på GeoCenter Møns Klint, hvor fascinerende udstillinger vækker Danmarks dramatiske fortid til live. Indlejret i Møns imponerende klint, blot 100 meter fra de stejle skrænter, venter en interaktiv oplevelse, som fængsler både børn og voksne.
Hvor Danmark Blev Født
Opdag Danmarks geologi i udstillingen, der fortæller historien om landets tilblivelse. Fra Kridttidens havmonstre til de voldsomme kræfter, der prægede istiden, rummer hver genstand og interaktiv installation en del af den store fortælling om Danmarks naturhistoriske rødder.
Rav, Fossiler og Flint
Berig dit besøg med ny viden om ældgamle skatte. Udstillingerne omhandler ravs magiske verden, flints betydning samt de fossiler og danekræ, der gemmer sig i klintens lag og afslører livet for millioner af år siden. Måske du selv kan finde noget på stranden?
Biodiversitet og Biograf
Bliv inspireret af biodiversitetens mangfoldighed og nyd videnskab og natur i en fascinerende 3D-biograf. Fra dinosaurer til nutidens dyreliv – få en helt ny forståelse for livets mangfoldighed og udvikling.
Leg, Lær og Lev i Fortiden
Med Virtual Reality kan du lege dig til viden. Flyv som en vandrefalk langs klintens kanter eller test din balance i 'den mønske manddomsprøve'. Tag børnene med i workshoppen, hvor leg og læring går hånd i hånd.

Photo:Egon Gade
Fresh air, activities and the unique Møns Klint cliffs
The area around the GeoCenter and Møns Klint is so lovely that people flock to it all year round. The beautiful cliffs that rise 128 metres above the turquoise sea, Klinteskoven forest that radiates green light from the chalky soil, and an incredibly rich flora and fauna. In other words, nature experiences in a class of their own!
Go fossil hunting on the cliff beaches, go on a guided MTB tour of the forest or climb up into the treetops on the climbing course. If you prefer to let nature speak for itself, you can spend hours on the coast and in the forest at Møns Klint – new discoveries await around every corner.

Photo:Mads Tolstrup
Photo:Mads Tolstrup
Three interesting facts about Møns Klint
1. You can experience the Dark Sky phenomenon at Møns Klint. Because of the extremely low light pollution on the site, the stars are COMPLETELY clear.
2. When you purchase an entrance ticket to GeoCentre Møns Klint, you also get a season pass with access to the previously mentioned activities – at no extra charge!
3. Møns Klint was also popular in the 1800s, when painters and researchers interested in the site helped attract ordinary tourists. Small tour boats sailed out from bridges along the beach, allowing tourists to see the cliffs from the sea.
Longitude: 12.550478
Latitude: 54.967977