30th March 2015
Ownership by municipality:
Næstved (38%), Vordingborg (38%), Faxe (12 %), samt Stevns (12%).
Municipal contributions in 2022:
Næstved 4.100.878 kr., Vordingborg 3.588.378 kr., Faxe 1.237.941 kr., samt Stevns 1.237.941 kr.
To service, develop and market South Zealand & Møn as one unified destination under the name South Zealand & Møn with three overall objectives:
- More commercial overnight stays
- To create an international brand
- Destination development under one brand
Primary markets:
Denmark, Germany, the Netherlands and Sweden
Tourist offices:
VisitSydsjælland-Møn currently supports a larger nurmber of staffed tourist offices.
Click here to see them all.