At Tuemosegård you can visit the vineyard during the summer. Here it will be possible to get a tour of the vineyard as well as buy the vineyard own produced wines and honey.
Tuemosegård is a 42 hectare (100 acers) large farm. It is situated in the southern part of Zealand. Our main task is, cultivation of plants, vineyard, beekeeping, farm shop, wind turbine and bioenergy.
Cultivation of plants: Grass seeds, clover, rape and grain growing are our crops. We use the most modern and latest develop technologies in grain growing. This to assure maximum sustainability.
Vineyard: Consists of 2200 wine plants and our yearly production of wine is approximately 3000 bottles of highly quality wines. Our wine productions focus areas consist of:
- No use of fertilizer.
- No use of pesticides.
- During the fermentation process there is no use of enzymes, fining solution, albumen and the wine-yeast is GMO and gluten free.
- We do not filter out our wine.
- To conserve the wine when bottling, we use sulfite.
- We avoid mechanical pumping of the wine, it runs from tank to tank via gravity.
- Every wine bottle is touched several times by our hands before it is finalized, accepted and released for sale.
- We are authorized by the Danish Food Administration (Fødevarestyrelsen) to sell our wine as “Sort Kind” and PGI (Protected Geographical Indication).
- We are member of the Danish Wine Trade Association and use their business production code: HACCP (Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point).
- We are authorized by the Danish Tax Authority (SKAT) to claim tax when selling our wine, no revenue label necessary.
Forget sustainability if you do not have bees involved in your production of plants, grain, wine etc. Bees are of extremely value, f. ex. clover is not able to pollinate without bees. Honey and bee wax is also a necessity and of very high value income to our farm.
Wind turbine:
At our farm an 11 kwh Gaia wind turbine is supplying all our electricity, actually this wind turbine produces more electricity than we can use ourselves. The overflow of electricity is sold to the common power supply.
We have a total of 4 hectares wood and willow trees. We chip these trees at winter time and use the chip in our bioenergy boiler. It heats our whole farm, it is more than 20 years since we last time used an oil-fired burner.
Sustainability has top priority at Tuemosegård. We must and shall protect our environment. We and our four kids are raised with the wording “less is more”. And our mindset is always acting accordingly to this goal.
For more information visit our website: www.tuemosegaard.dk