Nyord Enge Nature Reserve
The nature around the island of Nyord is quite special. There are high-lying moraine hills, salt marshes and a large breeding population of waders and ducks.
And Nyord town is culturally and historically interesting.
Nyord is about 5 km2 in size and consists of about 120 hectares of moraine soil where Nyord Town and the farmland are located. In addition, the island consists of 400 hectares of beach meadows, which are flooded with salt water every winter and grazed in summer. The meadows are home to a very rich plant and bird life and is known as one of the best habitats for wading and swimming birds in Denmark.
Bird life can be studied from the bird tower by the road, in the middle of the meadows. You can also visit Hyldevang Nature Center, Nyord's only relocation farm, which is now owned by the Forest and the Danish Nature Agency. Here you will find a bonfire hut, shelters, a sensory garden and a handicap-friendly viewpoint over the meadows.