Det Gamle Apothek
When you stay at Det Gamle Apothek Bed & Breakfast, you experience exciting Danish cultural history. The apothecary was built in 1859, and its unusual location in the countryside was a compromise between the counties of Bregentved and Gisselfeld Convent – and definitely not based on consideration of the inhabitants of the nearby town of Haslev. The old building along with a newer addition now house Det Gamle Apothek Bed & Breakfast, with a total of 19 beds across 10 beautiful and very stylish rooms. There is also a kitchenette and a living room for shared use. The whole building is surrounded by a lovely garden for your use.
Det Gamle Apothek Bed & Breakfast is only a few kilometres from the Southern motorway, and is therefore easy to reach. With several major attractions in the neighbourhood, including Gisselfeld Convent and park, the manor Bregentved, Camp Adventure and beautiful scenery, there is always lots to do. But don’t forget to enjoy the splendid view of the lake Torup Sø, which is an experience in itself – especially at sunset.